Saturday, February 28, 2009



Bishop George W. Ayers was called into the ministry in 1950. He pastured an AOH CHURCH OF GOD in Tuskegee, Alabama for four years and later the Pratt City AOH CHURCH OF GOD for three. In an act of faith, he and his wife journeyed to California in 1956 and established the first AOH CHURCH OF GOD in the state. The first church was established in Marin City; the second in San Jose. There are currently churches in Sacramento, Los Angeles, and the state of Washington.

The MarinCity church was later relocated to Richmond, and is presently named Faith Tabernacle AOH CHURCH OF GOD. Bishop George W. Ayers is the pastor of Phillips Temple AOH CHURCH OF GOD in Mobile, Alabama and New Jerusalem AOH CHURCH OF GOD in Birmingham, Alabama. Bishop Ayers presides over the Western Diocese and the South Alabama Diocese. He has served on the National Executive Board for over 50 years.


* graduated from Parker High School in Birmingham, Alabama.

* married Verley M. Smith; they have one daughter, LaTanja Ayers-Davis, one son-in-law, Elder Reginald Davis, and two grandchildren, George and Octavia.

* received B.A. degree in Business (receiving the Alumni Merit Award with honors) from Booker T. Washington Business College, Birmingham, Alabama.

* received TH.B., degree from Bethel School of Theology, Detroit, Michigan.

* consecrated Bishop in the AOH CHURCH OF GOD

* founded the Western Regional Bible College and Academic Studies.

* received TH.M., degree from Maranatha Bible College, Union, South Carolina.

* Awarded D.D., L.L.D, from the International Bible Institute and Seminary, Orlando, Florida.

* received TH.D.
* received a Ph.D., in theology

* elected International/National Presiding Prelate of the AOH CHURCH OF GOD by the National Executive Board at the 84th Annual Pentecost meeting.

Friday, February 27, 2009



Mission Statement

The Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God is set up on the foundation laid by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

We believe that the work that Christ began must be continued to bring mankind to complete reconciliation with God.

The church must seek out and provide the message of love to the lost. It is the responsibility of the church to disseminate the apostolic spirit and life to as many as possible. We have been charged to teach and preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all people. Ministers, missionaries and laypersons have, therefore, dedicated their lives to objectives that will accomplish this goal.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


ARTICLE I - Of the Inspired Word of God

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that every part of scripture should be adhered to. The Scripture of both Old and New Testament provide the prescription for the infallible, authoritative rule of Christ in our lives.

ARTICLE II - Of the One True God

The one true God, has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent, “I AM” the Creator of Heaven and earth and the Redeemer of Mankind. (Exodus 3:14; St. John 8:58)

“Jesus is God” is the basis of our teachings (Deuteronomy 4:35, 6:4, 2 Samuel 7:22, I Chronicles 17:20, Psalm 83:18, Isaiah 43:10-13, 44:6, 45:5-6, Mark 12:29, I Corinthians 8:4, Ephesians 4:5, I timothy 2:5, Acts 9:5 and Revelation 1:3).

We believe that there are three that bear record in heaven – the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost. These three are ONE manifested in the person of Jesus Christ who being in the image of the Invisible God is the Creator of all things. He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Isaiah 9:6, John 14:8-11, Revelation 1:8 and John 10:30-38).


Section I- We believe in justification by faith according to Romans 5:1 and that no man is justified with God as long as he is in defiance to the Word

Section II- We believe that Jesus Christ shed His blood to sanctify all who believe in Him. SC Ref: Hebrews 13:12, I John 1:7-9, I Thessalonians 5:23, St. John 17:17 and Acts 26:18.

Section III- We believe that sanctification affects the whole man, even the innermost being according to Matthew 23:26, I Thessalonians 5:23. We believe that this act is instantaneous and is carried on into holiness. Leviticus 11:44.

ARTICLE IV - Of the Holy Ghost

We believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost as it was on the day of Pentecost. We believe that those who receive the Holy Ghost will speak with other tongues as the spirit gives utterance. (Acts 2:1-4, 19-5, 10:43-46, Luke 11:13).

ARTICLE V - Of Water Baptism

We believe in immersing in the water according to Acts 2:38, 8:12 and 10:47, baptizing in the Name of Jesus, the one who commissioned and gave authority to baptize. The commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19 was carried out by the Apostles (Acts 2:38, Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5).

ARTICLE VI - Of Sanctification and Holiness

Sanctification is a work of Grace. It begins in regeneration by the application of the blood of Jesus read: 1 John 1:7, Heb. 13:12, Hebrews 9:14, 1 Peter 1:18-20 and Revelations 7:14, John 1:12-13, 2 Corinthians 5:17.

We understand that the word sanctification means separation and consecration ( St. John 17:17, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Ephesians 5:25-26, 2 Timothy 2:21, 1 Peter 1:2). The Church of God in the dispensation was sanctified. Scriptures which support our belief are Deuteronomy 14:2, 7:6, Ezekiel 36:23, Jeremiah 1:5, Daniel 7:27, John 17:19, Acts 20-32, 1 Corinthians 1:2, 6-11 and Hebrews 2:11.

Godly living should characterize the life and work of all saints according to the pattern and example of Jesus and His Apostles. We should cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. We will then live a life of purity and abstain from all appearances of evil.

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:22, 2 Corinthians 7:1,2, 2 Peter 1:3-4, Romans 8:5-9, Galatians 5:16-21, Philippians 3:12-16, Leviticus 10:10 and 11:44.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The Late Right Reverend William Thomas Phillip (1893-1973) one of the greatest religious leaders of this Christian era was thoroughly convinced in 1912 that holiness was a system through which God wanted him to serve. He was called to the ministry in 1913. Though his initial literary training was limited, he committed himself to the inevitable. He dedicated his life to God without reservation to perform the task for which he felt he had been chosen and went on to become one of the greatest religious literary and church leaders of his day.

The spirit led him to go to Mobile, Alabama where he began evangelical work on March 16, 1916 he organized the Ethiopian Overcoming Holy Church of God (an all-black organization).

The Church was locally incorporated on July 14, 1920. Realizing that God’s message was to all people, the name of the church was later changed on April 1, 1941 the church was incorporated in the State of Alabama as the Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God (AOH CHURCH OF GOD).

The church spread to many parts of the United States and into foreign territories. Bishop Phillips led the church successfully for 57 years. He passed away on November 30, 1973 and Bishop Jasper Roby served as the National Presider until May 2000. In June 2000, Bishop George W. Ayers Ph.D. was voted by the Executive Board as the National/International Presiding Prelate. His position was reaffirmed in June 2002 and he presently serves.

The Church has purchased property, which shall be used to expand the physical plant of the Body in facilities for relief, education and recreation. The church presently has missionaries serving Western, Southwest and Southeast Africa.

The Church publishes youth literature and a quarterly magazine, THE PEOPLE’S MOUTHPIECE. It also publishes the Manual of the Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God (AOH CHURCH OF GOD) and a Members Orientation Guide.

The local churches are united under districts which are governed by overseers and district or diocesan bishops selected and approved by the National Presiding Prelate and/or Board of Bishops.

The Annual Pentecost Meeting convenes annually (June 1-10) and consists of bishops, overseers, pastors. missionaries, mothers, convention leaders, evangelists and laypersons, delegates and visitors.

The Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God (AOH CHURCH OF GOD) is set up on the foundation laid by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

We believe that the work that Christ began must be continued to bring mankind to complete reconciliation with God.

The church must seek out and provide the message of love to the lost. It is the responsibility of the church to disseminate the apostolic spirit and life to as many as possible. We have been charged to teach and preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all people. Ministers, missionaries and laypersons have, therefore, dedicated their lives to objectives that will accomplish this goal.

Learn More About The AOH Church of God